Dad quotes from a son

 A father’s relationship with youis special on this earth . The bond between a father and Son  cannot be broken by anything .Dads are the best, so share your feelings about him with one of these quotes . Let your Dad know it with a Father’s Day message that highlights that unique bond.

Dad quotes from a son

  • Dad, you’ve always been my hero. you are my super hero. 
  • I’m so lucky and proud to have your love , suggestion and support in my life.
  • Dad, Your love will always be imprinted on my heart .
  • Behind every great Son is a truly amazing , loving dad.
  • I know i have reserved a place in your heart before i was even borned.
  • I would climb mountains, sail seas, and cross deserts just to make you happy, Dad . As your Son , It is my duty and pleasure to see you Happy in this world.
  • I hope one day to be half the man you are.
  • Living life through your eyes has been my life's joy. I cherish every memory with you, DAD .
  • No matter how tall I grow, I always look up to you.
  • Thank you for giving me a model of what a man should be.
  • The relation between you and me is blessed from above (GOD). thanks god for give me superhero
  • Experiencing the world anew with you is a great adventure to me.
  • The best days in my life are neither before me nor behind me. They are beside me, with you, dear DAD.
  • I’m blessed to have both a father and a friend in you. thank you .
  • A good father doesn’t tell you he loves you—he shows you. Thank you for showing me  your love and support every day.
  • When I was little boy, you lifted me on your shoulders. Now that I’m grown, you lift me up with your love and support . thank you and  Happy Father’s Day.


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